Purple Panda Strain

Purple Panda is an Indica-dominant hybrid strain of the two parent strains, Purple Goji and Center. It has come a long way from its origins, though, and the preceding strains in Purple Panda’s family tree amount to over thirty.

These related strains include the Chem Dawg, G13, Hindu Kush, and Grapefruit strains. The parent strains of the Center strain are the UltraViolet OG strain and the ACDC strain. The parent of the Purple Goji strain is the Goji OG strain.


Purple Panda is linked to innumerous other strains, with many places of origin. However, the two countries that Purple Panda clearly originates from are the United States and Afghanistan.

Purple Panda Strain

Strain Appearance

This particular strain is known for its big, lime green buds. Purple Panda has a bit of a special appearance, though, due to the slight silver tone that encompasses the buds and their light amber fibers.

As well as the layer of shiny silver, the buds of the Purple Panda strain are covered in resin.

Strain Flavor

The parent strains of Purple Panda have very different, but rather complementary, flavors. The Center strain combines sweetness with spiciness, and has a slightly chemical and diesel-like undertone.

The flavor of Purple Goji, perhaps as expected, is berry-like and fruity, with tropical sweet notes. The two parent strains thus combine to give Purple Panda an array of flavors. The most prominent flavors are citrus, nuttiness, tobacco, strawberry and menthol.

The spice of the Center strain is clear in the bite of the citrus; while the berry flavor of the Purple Goji is transformed to something more like strawberry.

Strain Aroma

The aroma of the Purple Panda strain highlights its strongest flavors. The nutty tobacco flavor makes the buds exude a fragrance similar to that of hash, which is then complemented by the minty undertones.

There is an evident sweetness that remains in the smell, too; a faint waft of lemon and strawberry is detectable if the bud is fresh. Overall, this strain emits a fragrance that will be enjoyed by the masses.

Strain Cannabinoids

The THC content of the Purple Panda strain is relatively high; it ranges between 18.5% and 20%. This makes the average content in this strain 19.3% THC. Although not as strong as some other strains of cannabis, 19.3% is a decent amount.

As THC is the chemical compound that stimulates the release of dopamine and feelings of euphoria when you smoke, this strain’s high will likely have a kick to it!

The CBD levels in Purple Panda are at the least 0.34%, and at the most 0.76%. Either way, the CBD content of this strain is pretty low, and Purple Panda will always have <1% CBD.

This is a relatively normal amount for marijuana strains, though, and still provides positive effects.

Alongside these two well-known cannabinoids, there are also four other lesser-known cannabinoids present.CBN is usually found in traditional hash strains and old cannabis, but it is present here in amounts from 0.1% to 0.19%.

CBC has a similar lineage to THC and CBD, but has different functions. For example, it is known to be effective in the treatments of both acne and depression. This cannabinoid is present in Purple Panda in amounts ranging from 0.2% to 0.48%.

CBG has both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and its properties provide medical benefits: reducing pressure around the eye and increasing appetite. The levels of CBG in Purple Panda range from 0.48% to 1.02%.

The final cannabinoid found in the Purple Panda strain is THCV. It shares a similar molecular structure to THC, but is nowhere near as psychoactive. In fact, its psychoactive elements only come out to play when taken in extraordinarily large amounts.

The cannabinoid is also medically proven to promote the healthiness of bones. It is found in this strain with levels ranging from 0.26% to 0.52%.

Strain Terpenes

The three terpenes that are present in this strain are Humulene, Phellandrene, and Myrcene, and the terpene profile is as follows:

 Myrcene, 0.12%; Humulene, 0.63%; Phellandrene, 0.25%.

Total Terpenes: 1%

Humulene is known in the cannabis world for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to soothe the body and mind. Phellandrene is a secondary terpene, which is able to fight against bacteria and fungi.

Because of this, it can often be found in pharmaceutical products. Last, but not least, Myrcene has relaxing and sedating properties, which make it useful to those struggling with tenseness or stress.

These three terpenes combine to give this strain a wide variety of side effects and benefits, which are expanded upon below.

Strain Side Effects

When you smoke Purple Panda, it is likely you will feel a huge range of effects. Some of them will be great, but others are not so enjoyable.

Let’s start off with the positive side effects first! You will likely feel some tingling over your body as you smoke this strain, and it will proceed to relax your muscles and help to release any tension you might be holding.

Mentally, Purple Panda will make you feel both calm and euphoric, making it a very pleasant but powerful high. Another side effect of this strain is an increased appetite – the munchies get pretty real!

There are some not-so-nice side effects that come with the euphoria and calmness, though. These include headaches and low blood pressure.

If you’re someone who already has quite a low blood pressure, it might be wise that you try a different strain or ask your doctor before trying this one.

Strain Medical Benefits

As previously stated, smoking Purple Panda is known to increase one’s appetite. This makes it a very useful medical tool, therefore, for anyone suffering from a lack of appetite.

The sedating properties of the strain also help to reduce pain, particularly when used for arthritis or migraines.

If you’re suffering from mental discomfort – for example, anxiety or stress – the calming properties of Purple Panda will likely soothe your symptoms and aid relaxation.

Strain Review

Overall, this THC dominant cannabis strain seems to create a predominantly positive experience for the consumer.

Not only does Purple Panda produce a powerfully euphoric high, but it also calms and soothes the smoker; preventing the high from feeling overwhelming. Alongside this, thanks to its varied lineage and differing parents strains, the strain is full of a variety of flavors.

This ensures that the smoker has access to the whole experience; alongside your high, you also have a great taste in your mouth to enjoy.

The side effects of smoking this strain are also largely positive, both mentally and physically. If you suffer from chronic pain or mental illness, Purple Panda could be a suitable remedy for some of your troubles.

For both your mind and body, this strain could release tension and promote calmness. Do remember, though, Purple Panda is known to reduce heart rate and cause headaches, so do check with a doctor before trying it if you think this could impact your health.

Strain Growth Information

Strain Seeds

Unfortunately, the seeds for the Purple Panda strain are not yet widely available. If you do manage to get your hands on some, though, it might be helpful to read on.

The seeds for this strain are what most growers call photoperiod. This means that the lifecycle of the Purple Panda plant depends on the presence of light. So, when you plant the seeds, make sure they are in a spot that is well-lit.

Because they are photoperiod seeds, this strain is more likely to thrive outside. The average height for a Purple Panda plant grown inside is 70 inches, while the average height of a Purple Panda plant grown outside is around 90 inches.

Strain Flowering Time

The Flowering time for the Purple Panda plant is usually between 48 and 56 days, or 7 to 8 weeks. As with most plants, the better the conditions, the quicker the bloom!

Strain Yield

Just as the life cycle of the plant depends on light, the yield of this strain depends on the health of the plant and the climate in which it was grown. The harvest time of this strain is usually around sixty-three days, but that can also change depending on the conditions.

The location of the plant indoors versus outdoors affects the yield as well as the plant height.

If the Purple Panda plant is grown indoors, the yield ranges from as low as 0.5oz per Foot², to as high as 1oz per Foot². When grown outside, though, the minimum yield is 0.75oz per Foot², and the maximum is around 1.1oz per Foot²!

Evidently, growing the Purple Panda strain plant outside makes the yield much more fruitful, so if you decide to grow this strain, just follow the sun!

Dave Roberts
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